
Data Analytics


passionate about data

Committed to excellence in uncovering insights and optimizing processes, I am a versatile professional skilled at utilizing the power of data to drive impactful solutions. With a solid foundation in Python, SQL, and a collaborative mindset, I excel in transforming complex datasets into actionable strategies. Whether it's analyzing trends, facilitating seamless operations, or delivering exceptional customer experiences, I am dedicated to utilizing my diverse skill set to drive success and make a positive impact.

Work Experience

Data Specialist & Analyst @ Singularitet, Serbia
June 2022 - June 2024

    • Led the initiative in digitizing client records, improving data accessibility and compliance.
    • Developed database models for digitized client records (RDB), ensuring efficient storage and retrieval of data.
    • Optimized schedules and working hours to increase productivity, leading to enhanced efficiency and output using statistical analysis techniquesn
    • Successfully identified key performance indicators (KPIs) crucial for business analysis. Developed visualizations to effectively communicate KPI insights and implemented tracking systems to monitor success, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.
    • Automated administrative work to reduce workload, streamlining tasks and improving overall productivity.

Freelance Data Scientist & Analyst
January 2022 - April 2022

    • Stock Market Data Analysis
      • Identified market trends and recommended investment strategies, resulting in a 10% increase in client portfolio returns.
      • Conducted comprehensive statistical analysis to uncover insights for stock market data.
      • Utilized visualization tools to present findings effectively.

Co-Founder & Coordinator @ Fabrika Social Accelerator & Coworking
February 2015 - December 2018

  • Managed customer and business data databases, ensuring data accuracy and integrity.
  • Provided leadership and coordination for the company's team.
  • Handled complete administrative and office work efficiently, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Defined business goals and identified suitable metrics for performance measurement.
  • Leveraged statistical models to optimize client acquisition strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in new clients.

Business English Language Teacher
Januar 2014 - Januar 2021

  • Designed customized lesson plans tailored to diverse student groups' specific needs and objectives.
  • Utilized innovative teaching methodologies like role-play, improvisation, and mock interviews to enhance language learning outcomes.
  • Delivered specialized language training for various industries and domains, resulting in a high rate of successful language improvements among students.

Customer Care Representative for The Body Shop
July 2012 - May 2013

  • Provided exceptional customer service to international clients, resolving issues promptly and effectively.
  • Maintained a high customer satisfaction rate of 95% through effective communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Collaborated with international teams to ensure seamless customer support across different regions.
  • Supported and informed customers from the UK, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
  • Successfully resolved customer issues regarding parcels, product properties, and availability.

About me | My blog

Hi, welcome to my Blog! This is a short introduction to my Blog.


how to | Cleaning and preparing a movie dataset

A post about Data Cleaning from my >how to< series.


learning | Basic text preparation with spaCy

Learn how to use basic functionalities of spaCy to prepare your text for further analysis in this short blog post


learning | Basic text preparation with spaCy

Learn how to use basic functionalities of spaCy to prepare your text for further analysis in this short blog post


learning | Basic text preparation with spaCy

Learn how to use basic functionalities of spaCy to prepare your text for further analysis in this short blog post


learning | Basic text preparation with spaCy

Learn how to use basic functionalities of spaCy to prepare your text for further analysis in this short blog post


  • adzic.tanja@gmail.com