
Hi, welcome to my blog. I am a novice Data Scientist | Data Analyst, currently on a journey of perfecting my skills, learning, building my portfolio by doing interesting projects, and writing this blog. I have been on this journey for about 2.5 years now, studying Python and SQL, statistics, Machine Learning, and neural networks. It was a challenging task, and still is, so I though why not start a blog that would sharpen my storytelling skills, not to mention my knowledge of a topic. And voilà — enter this blog.

My primary focus in this blog is to showcase potential solutions I have for different real-world problems. Therefore, I divided my blog into three different sections that showcase a different skill.

Blog Structure

The blog has three sections: the how to section, the learning section, and the project section.

The projects section is designed to showcase my completed projects in a particular field — be that NLP, or just a plain Classification problem. Here you will mostly find longer articles, with multiple problems one project might have. These blogs will not contain coding instructions, those will be in the specific repository linked in the article.

The how to blogs are particulary designed to show my problem solving skills by answering a real-world question to a problem, from any Data Science field. If I find a particular problem from a project to be interesting to present on its own, I will write about it in he how to section.

The last part, the learning, is designed to teach me (and you) a topic I haven’t studied enough, or a topic I did not quite understand, and present it in a way a 3-year old would understand. Topics can vary from statistics, neural networks, to new libraries.

Projects Page

The Projects Page is another component of my portfolio, and it includes case studies, and completed projects showcases. Depending on the project and its goals, it can be presented in different formats. Project posts will be categorized by the technique applied to a specific case studie i.e. Natural Language Processing, Recommender System. These case studies will also be used in blog posts as an example.

Enjoy my blog, and do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions you might have.
